Day By Day: A 30 Day Guide to help you in your walk of faith
Anthony Wilson
2005 was the year I rededicated my life to Christ, I had strayed away for most of my adult years. However, I somehow retained many of the values of being a Christian even though I wasn’t walking according to the word. I began taking deliberate steps to reestablishing my relationship with Christ through reading the bible daily. There were times when I fell asleep with the bible in my hands. I also began to attend church again, joining the choir and men’s group, serving in the foodbank and parking lot ministries. All of these things gave me a new place to put my time and energy but none of these things helped as much as journaling everyday. This Devotional contains excerpts and from my actual journal along with personal memories dating back more than fifth teen years ago. Please walk with me as I take you into the day by day steps of walking out your faith.